Adaptive Game Pieces

Today we are making adaptive game pieces.  Adaptive games can be helpful for individuals who have limited manual dexterity and finger range of motion when picking up small items.  This is a fairly quick and easy adaptation so let’s get started! 

Adaptive Game Pieces

This content is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the help your physician, therapist, or other medical condition or treatment.  This content is for informational purposes only.  See full disclosure here.  

All links in this post are non-affiliate links, and are provided for your convenience. 

One summer when I was home completing one of my occupational therapy fieldwork placements, I spent many evenings playing chess with my dad.  Yes, he pretty much always beat me, but it was the relationship and act of participating in a game we both enjoyed that I loved the most.  That summer will always have a special place in my heart- the conversations, the connections we made, and the many, many times we burst out laughing, smiling ear to ear. 

Whether it’s board games or creating art, hobbies can bring us a sense of joy and fulfillment with those we are playing or working with.  That’s why today, I am excited to share with you this simple and fairly quick adaptation for game pieces.   So let’s get started.

What Is Adaptive Equipment?

First, let’s start with a quick overview of what adaptive equipment is. Adaptive equipment is any tool or device that is used to provide assistance with any task related to daily living.  Whether that piece of equipment provides assistance for dressing or while participating in a hobby, the adaptive equipment serves a purpose in providing assistance in completing a task.  

Adaptive equipment can be as simple or as advanced as needed to fulfill a need.  For example, a low-tech adaptive device, such as this no-sew universal cuff I made using a scrunchie, is quick and easy to set up and provides assistance in maintaining a grasp on utensils.  On the other hand, a motorized wheelchair is another type of adaptive equipment which is used as a mobility aid.   

Other types of DIY adaptive equipment by The DIY Therapist you might be interested in include:

Adaptive Game Pieces

What Are Adaptive Game Pieces?

Adaptive game pieces can assist an individual participating in a board game who may have limited finger range of motion and/or manual dexterity.  The type of game pieces we are making today consist of attached loops to help pick up a game piece. Individuals can use either a finger or thumb to pick up and move a game piece. This type of adaptive device can assist an individual who may have:

  • Limited finger range of motion
  • Limited pincer grasp
  • Manual dexterity limitations
  • Limited 3-prong grasp 

*Please note, game pieces with a wider base, such as Checkers pieces, will be more stable while playing. Game pieces from games such as Candyland will be more prone to tip when touched. Keep in mind when selecting a game to adapt.

Adaptive Game Pieces
Finger Extension
Adaptive Game Pieces
Thumb Abduction

Use Adaptive Game Pieces As A Therapeutic Exercise

Not only can these adaptive game pieces be used as an adaptive device, but these adaptive game pieces can also be used as a therapeutic exercise. Work on finger extension or thumb abduction while participating in a beloved game with family and friends, or during a therapy session. 

If you would like to purchase the game of Checker already adapted check this one out here.

Projects With A Purpose

The Projects With A Purpose is a section of my posts where I lay out ideas for sharing some of The DIY Therapist projects with others.   These DIY adaptive game pieces, for example, are a great way to share the love of games with others who might not have access to this type of adaptive equipment otherwise.  

Donate An Entire Game With Adaptive Pieces

Whether you are going through your game closet or you find a fully stocked game at your local thrift store, you can adapt the game pieces and donate the entire game.  


Before you purchase or start adapting game pieces, contact your local pediatric therapy center, senior care center, or your local school’s special education department.  Find out what their needs are including the type of game they might be looking for.  


Make sure to discuss which game might be a good fit for their center or school.  It is also important to discuss which games might be better suited for this adaption, and are less likely to tip easily such as Checkers.  Donate the game to your location of choice with the game pieces already adapted. 

Special Considerations

  1. These adaptive game pieces may be a choking hazard for those under the age of three years, and for anyone who may consume or chew on non-food items.  
  2. Please note, I used painter’s tape for this project rather than duct tape.  Painter’s tape stuck better to the game pieces I adapted.  You may have to experiment with this depending on the type of material your game pieces are made of. 
  3. Be aware that duct or painter’s tape may leave a residue on game pieces. 
  4. Game pieces with a wider base will be more stable while playing such as the game of Checkers.  Game pieces from games, such as Candyland, will be more prone to tip when touched.  Keep in mind when selecting a game to adapt. 
  5. Adjust the length of the game piece loops as needed.
  6. Press hard to secure all areas of the tape.
  7. Replace tape as needed on game pieces if tape starts to come off. 

How To Make Adaptive Game Pieces

Adaptive Game Pieces

Materials Needed

  1. Game pieces of choice
  2. Painters tape*
  3. Scissors


*  I found that painter’s tape stuck better to my game pieces rather than duct tape.  You may need to experiment with different types of tape depending on the type of material your game pieces are made of.  Keep in mind painter’s tape or duct tape may leave a residue on the game pieces.

Adaptive Game Pieces
Cut a 6-8" piece of painters tape and begin folding into thirds lengthwise.
Adaptive Game Pieces
Continue folding the tape over onto itself in thirds.
Adaptive Game Pieces
Continue folding the tape to make the loop which is approximately 1/2" wide.
Adaptive Game Pieces
Attach a small piece of tape to one end of the loop as seen in picture.


  1. Cut an approximate 6-8” piece of painter’s tape depending on the game piece size, tape placement, and the size of the loop you are aiming for (picture 1 above).
  2. Fold the piece of tape lengthwise three times as seen in picture above (picture 2-3 above).
  3. Cut a short section of tape and place at one end of the long folded tape (picture 4 above).
  4. Place on game piece (picture 1 below). 
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the opposite side (picture 2 below).  Trim excess as needed. (picture 3 below)
  6. Cut 2 strips of tape- approximately  1-1.5” (¼-½” wide) strip of tape.  Wrap around the loop ends to secure.
  7. Repeat for the number of game pieces needed. 
Adaptive Game Pieces
Attach the painter's tape loop to the game piece.
Adaptive Game Pieces
Attach a small piece of painter's tape to the other end of the loop, and attach it to the game piece.
Now attach the other side of the loop, and secure with an additional thin tape strip over both ends of the loop. Repeat all steps for the remaining pieces.
Adaptive Game Pieces
Time To Play!

Here are some resources that you might find helpful based on today’s post:

  • BraunAbility gives a nice overview about adaptive equipment, and how it can help in daily life. 
  • This project was adapted based on Rehab Mart’s similar checkers style game. 

How did this project go?  Let me know in the comments below.  

Also, don’t forget to sign up for the DIY  Newsletter below.  

Here are some additional projects you might enjoy:

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