Welcome to The DIY Therapist! A place for all things occupational therapy, handcrafted therapy tools, and resources help answer questions as well as a guide for project creation.
The DIY Therapist is a do-it-yourself occupational therapy blog with step-by-step tutorials from assistive technology to school-based and sensory tools, and adaptive clothing as well as projects specifically for stroke recovery and dementia care. And let’s not forget fine motor projects!
This site has become a special space for me: A place of creativity, sharing, and community. Thank you joining me on this journey of mine. I’m glad you are here.
The DIY Newsletter
The DIY Newsletter is a monthly newsletter with personal stories, occupational therapy tips, new and featured projects on the blog as well as newsletter perks including resource guides and freebies. Join the community and stay in touch by signing up for the newsletter below.
Community. Create. DIY.
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Why Do-It-Yourself Projects?
When I came up with the idea for starting this blog, I wanted a place where I could share my ideas on how to create some of your own occupational therapy tools, adaptive equipment, and fine motor projects. Furthermore, I wanted the projects I featured to be made mainly from items typically found around the home.
I am passionate about the place our world calls home. That is why all my projects focus on upcycled and repurposed materials as much as possible. Across this site you will find projects for all ages from dementia care and sensory tools to one-handed buttoning devices, and school-based tools like these self-opening scissors. Plus, upcycling materials saves money too. And that’s always a bonus.
If you have a project in mind you would like to see up on the blog, let me know. I’d love to hear from you.
Do you have a question about a project? Or do you have a project in mind you would like to see on this site? Or maybe you just want to say hello. Either way, click the link below. I’d love to hear from you!